ISSN ONLINE: 2558-815X
ISSN PRINT: 1584-9244
ISSN-L: 1584-9244

„Archives Of The Balkan Medical Union” Journal – Shaping The Future


The „Archives of the Balkan Medical Union” Journal is wearing new clothes. It has a new cover, inspired by the old cover of the journal. It has a re- newed editorial board, which includes also honorary editors, who through their remarkable work have promoted the journal and sustained over the time the activity of the Balkan Medical Union. The dis- tinguished members of the editorial board are from the majority of the Balkan countries, and also from other European countries, such as France, Spain, Italy, Germany. The Journal restructured its Editorial Board to comprise a team of seven Senior Editors from Balkan countries, with a vital contribution to the scientific excellence of the Journal.

The Journal has an extensive and updated list of experienced and reputable reviewers, with expertise in all the areas of medicine and life sciences. It has new and detailed instructions for authors, with informa- tion about ethical publishing practices and technical requirements, included in the final pages of this issue. The Journal follows international editorial conven- tions. Very important, the Journal has also an updated and modern website,, with informa- tion about current and past issues and about the activi- ties of Balkan Medical Union. The instructions for au- thors can be easily accessed from the website. Full-text articles are freely available online to all readers on the website of the Journal,

The Journal has also a new Publisher, ALL Publishing House, dedicated to ensure the highest standards of quality and to help the journal to move forward and grow.

With the help of combined efforts of a strong editorial board with a range of specialized expertise in all areas of medicine, an army of professional peer reviewers who volunteer their time to act as reviewers for the Journal, a strong, truthful, professional part- nership with ALL Publishing House, the Journal en- ters a new decade. It will continue to play a bridging and polarization function in the Balkan Medicine and hopefully in the European medicine. „Archives of the Balkan Medical Union” provides a forum for researchers, clinicians, academics not only from the Balkan countries but also from worldwide, to share their best research results, in order to improve the health and medical care and to advance science.

The Journal engages the interests of different kinds of readers – from family physicians to cardi- ologists, neurologists, surgeons, neurosurgeons, etc, and from molecular biologists to epidemiologists – in each issue and it will continue to do this. It is a living and breathing creation that mainly depends upon the participation of the members of Balkan Medical Union for its continued growth and evo- lution. I strongly encourage all the members of the Balkan Medical Union to participate in the journal as a contributor of articles, as a reader and as an ad- vocate for the ideas you find useful, by submitting letters to the editor.

The strategic goal of the Journal is to be indexed in other important international databases, by the publication of outstanding, high impact manuscripts in all areas of medicine. It’s all about quality over quantity. I look forward to the next years with great anticipation.

Because Easter is approaching and it symbolizes the renewal of life, I want to wish all the readers and contributors of the Journal, and also all the members of the Balkan Medical Union, a Happy Easter, with health, friendship, peace, lots of joy and happiness!

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Correspondence address:
Camelia C. DIACONU
International Secretary General of the Balkan Medical Union


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