ISSN ONLINE: 2558-815X
ISSN PRINT: 1584-9244
ISSN-L: 1584-9244

Awareness of the role of nutrition – An important factor for dental caries prevention


Background: The composition and frequency of dietary intake are of great importance for the appearance and development of dental caries. Nutrition could be a preventive and a risk factor as well. It depends to a great extent on the individual’s awareness and cultural competence. The aim of this survey is to investigate the relationship between patient’s awareness, his her dental status and risk for caries development.

Methods: This survey implemented the questionnaire method. It involved 52 patients aged 17 – 60 years. Groups with high degree of awareness (A+) and with low degree of awareness (A-) were formed depending on the answers. Besides the patients’ answers to the questions, their dental status, reported after an examination by a dentist is also written on the questionnaire sheet.

Results: The number of affected teeth (DFMT) in the group of patients with better knowledge (A+) was as a mean with 0.63 smaller and the number of active caries lesions (AT) in the same group was with 0.37 smaller vs. the (A-) group. They also consumed as a mean 0.71 times daily more yellow and white cheese (FCC).

1. Statistically significant relationship was observed between the patients’ awareness level and their dietary habits. The greater awareness leads to elevated frequency of dietary habits reducing the risk for DCC development.
2. Statistically significant relationship was established between patients’ awareness level and the real oral status. Patients with higher awareness level presented a smaller number of DCC teeth (DMFT).

Abbreviations: DCC – dental caries and its complications, DMFT – Decayed, Missing, Filled Teeth – index showing the number of teeth with caries, obturation or missing due to of caries and its complications, AT – index showing the number of teeth with at least one active lesion, FCC – Daily rate of yellow and white cheese consumption

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