ISSN ONLINE: 2558-815X
ISSN PRINT: 1584-9244
ISSN-L: 1584-9244

Building an innovative curriculum of sports medicine for medical students: Necessary knowledge not taught in medical schools


Introduction. The aim of this paper is to present scientific argumentation for the necessity to teach medical students in sports medicine, because they are involved in research and education to identify and evaluate hazards and recommend methods to reduce exposure, mitigate risk, and enhance health of people in professional and amateur sports.
Material and methods. We carried out a study – holding an inquiry into 300 professionals and 100
amateurs that identifies health risks co-acted with the intensive loading of locomotor system (71,3%), poor working conditions (59%), which cause working trauma and diseases, as well as low level of health culture – 52% from the group of professionals are not acquainted with the risks of performance-enhancing drugs and the key factors that influence people’s health and well-being.
Results. We have found that 46.8% of professionals are taking performance-enhancing drugs more than 5 years and 25.5% of them less than 5 years. The study identified for the most part of amateurs high physical tension – among 70%, and high mental stress – among 50% of the group. Our research showed that medical professionals are not aware of key legal and ethical issues concerning sports injuries and rights of those practicing sport.
Conclusions. A curriculum of sports medicine is elaborated by a team of experts in different specialities. The curriculum applies evidence-based guidelines, including main problems of sport and society, research methods in sport management, sport marketing and media, internationalization of sport business, and injury prevention, healthcare, fitness, sport and recreative facilities.
Keywords: sports medicine, professional risks, sport management, ethics in sport, curriculum of sports medicine.

Corresponding author:

Faculty of Public Health, University Hospital „Tzaritza Ioanna“
Bialo more str. 8, Sofia, Bulgaria, 1527

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