Aim. The aim of our study was to evaluate the values of blood pressure and pulse pressure in patients with metabolic syndrome (MS), in order to identify and prevent cardiovascular events that may occur in these patients.
Materials and methods. Case‑control analysis was carried out on a total of 1528 patients within a family medicine office, the subjects being divided into two groups: the group with MS and the control group (without MS). The MS group was composed of 388 patients diagnosed according to Harmonised criteria. Non‑MS (control) was composed of the 1140 patients who did not present at least three diagnostic criteria of metabolic syndrome.
Results. The pulse pressure values of patients with metabolic syndrome were generally higher than 40 mmHg, with an average value of 47.86±12.02 mmHg. The control group has a mean value of pulse pressure of 40.28±12.20 mmHg, significantly lower (p<0.0001).
Conclusions. Pulse pressure is associated with cardiovascular events, particularly in the elderly and especially at values higher or equal to 60 mmHg, but this association is not independent of the systemic blood pressure.
Keywords: metabolic syndrome, pulse pressure, arte‑ rial hypertension.
Full text sources https://doi.org/10.31688/ABMU.2018.53.3.13 How to Cite Email to AuthorAddress for correspondence:
Adorata E. COMAN
L’Université de Médecine et Pharmacie “Grigore T. Popa”, Faculté de Médecine, Département de Médecine Préventive et d’Interdisciplinarité, Iasi, Roumanie
Adresse: 2-4, Rue V. Conta, Iasi, Roumanie
E-mail: ado_coman@yahoo.com