Introduction. Serous carcinoma is responsible for 47% of all ovarian cancers, and from these cases, only 5% are represented by low-grade serous carcinoma, the rest of them accounting for high-grade serous carcinoma.
Objective. The aim of this study is an observational approach of the differences and similarities of the two types of serous carcinoma of the ovary, that must be seen as different forms of cancer and rendered with care.
Methods. We performed a retrospective study using three cases of ovarian high-grade serous carcinoma and three cases of ovarian low-grade serous carcinoma, diagnosed at the University Emergency Hospital Bucharest. We analyzed patients’ age, clinical symptoms, macroscopic and microscopic features together with immunohistochemistry tests.
Results. Mean age for HG carcinoma was 71.3 years old and for LG carcinoma 47.6 years old. Average tumor diameter was with 5.67 cm higher for LG carcinoma. The most encountered stage for HG tumors was pT2a and for LG tumors was pT1a. Mean value for Ki67 was with 36.33% higher for HG carcinoma. AR expressed diffuse positivity in two cases of LG and only focal positivity in two cases of HG. CD44 expressed focal positivity in all cases of LG and had different patterns in HG.
Conclusions. We found considerable differences between patients’ mean age, macroscopic and microscopic features, together with immunohistochemistry expression for Ki67, AR, CD44.
Keywords: high-grade serous carcinoma, low-grade serous carcinoma, AR, CD44.
Full text sources https://doi.org/10.31688/ABMU.2018.53.4.11 How to Cite Email to Author
Address for correspondence:
Manuela POPA
Department of Pathology, „Carol Davila“ University of Medicine and Pharmacy, University Emergency Hospital, Bucharest, Romania
Address: Splaiul Independentei no 169, Bucharest, Romania, 050098
Email: dr.manuelapopa@yahoo.com