Colonic intussusception in adults is extremely rare, accounting for about 5% of all cases of intussusception. The telescoping of a proximal segment in the lumen of the adjacent segment has a classic classical triad in the symptomatology of children: abdominal pain, bloody diarrhea and palpable abdominal mass. In the adult patient, the symptoms are almost absent, and rarely they consist of constipation, bloody stool, or a malignant pathology that accompanies intussusception, weight loss, and anemia. We present the case of a 86-year-old patient who underwent a surgical procedure for repairing a rectal prolapse; intraoperatively, we discovered a sigmoid intussusception for which we performed a segmentary sigmoidectomy, repairing the rectal prolapse by rectosacropexy with alloplastic mesh.
Keywords: sigmoid intussusception, rectal prolapse, rectosacropexy.
Corresponding author:
Bogdan Socea
Emergency Clinical Hospital „Sfântul Pantelimon“, General Surgery Department
Șoseaua Pantelimon no. 340-342, 1st floor, Bucharest, Romania
Email:bogdansocea@gmail.com; Phone: +40788491091; Fax: +40212550064