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ISSN PRINT: 1584-9244
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Laryngomalacia in infants



Laryngomalacia is a disease that is the most common etiology causing stridor in infants and in most cases the patient presents with inspiratory stridor that worsens during feeding, crying, supine position or agitation. In laryngomalacia the supraglottic structures collapse into the airway during inspiration causing airway obstruction. Typical symptoms are not present at birth, but appear within the first 4 months of life and disappear at maximum 24 months of age. The most common associated symptoms are swallowing dysfunctions, regurgitation, cough and sleep apnea. Laryngomalacia is a self-limiting disease with about 20% of the patients present with severe disease and they require surgical treatment.

Keywords: neonatal stridor, laryngomalacia, larynx, glottis.

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Corresponding author:
Institute of Phonoaudiology and Functional ENT Surgery “Prof. Dr. D. Hociotă”, Bucharest, Romania
Address: 21, Mihail Cioranu Str., Bucharest, 061344, Romania
E-mail:; Phone: 0040729828480


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Goanta CM, Tusaliu M, Sava LG, Budu VA. Laryngomalacia in infants. Arch Balk Med Union 2018; 53(3):459-462. DOI 10.31688/ABMU.2018.53.3.24