The choosen case doesn’t count among the few case of fibrothecoma met in medical practice. In this situation, the particularity of the case remains the modality of the patient presence in emergency at the emetgency room, the absence of specific symptomatology of this type of tumor, namely the endocrine symptomatology (virilism, feminization, uterine bleeding during the menopause). I reported the case of a patient aged 63 years, caucasian race, from urban environment, smoker, obese, hypertensive who was hospitalized in emergency in The Clinic of Obstetrics and Gynecology, “St. Pantelimon” Clinical Emergency Hospial, Bucharest, for a sudden pain on the lower abdominal floor, predominantly in the right iliac fossa. On clinical examination, on could detect the painful point, from the right iliac fossa, the signs of muscular defense and the presence of a pelvic tumor mass, solid, voluminous, mobile, regular, of hard consistency. By the physiological personal history we retain that the patient had a vaginal birth, she is in climax for 15 years, and she did not accuse a vaginal bleeding during the menopausal period. The laboratory investigations used in emergency were: abdominal sonography, EKG, laboratory tests. Emergency erxploratory laparotomy has been performed, intraoperative intervention certificates an ovarian tumor, solid, voluminoug with 180 degrees torsion. It has been performed the total hysterectomy with bilateral adnexectomy, the histopatological result, after one month postoperatively, enabling accurate diagnosis by right ovarian fibrothecoma. It`s important to remember that a well evaluated preoperative diagnosis brings benefit and improves the subsequent therapeutic conduct, but in situation of an emergency case, like a patient in climax, the decision of ridical surgery remains the rule.
Key words: fibrothecoma, torsion, voluminous, climax, emergency.