ISSN ONLINE: 2558-815X
ISSN PRINT: 1584-9244
ISSN-L: 1584-9244

Quality of life assessment in patients with chronic liver disease using the combined multidimensional questionnaire SF-LDQOL, including complementary questions


Introduction. Chronic liver disease is an important public health problem with a major negative impact on all aspects of patients’ lives. The consequences are directly related to the chronic liver disease, but also to the administered treatment.
The objective of the study was to evaluate the quality of life in patients with chronic liver diseases by using SF-LDQOL questionnaire, including complementary questions related to the use of nutritional supplements.
Materials and methods. A cross-sectional analysis on the quality of life of patients with a confirmed diagnosis of chronic liver disease (CLD), using the SF-LDQOL short form questionnaire, on a group of 40 patients was conducted. Data on CLD patients (age, sex, disease activity, risk factors, major clinical symptoms, use of hepatoprotective nutritional supplements (NS)) were collected and analyzed.
Results. The mean age of participants was 68.34±14.45 years. The CLD impact on the general health status and quality of life was moderate to mild in the studied group. In most cases, the linear frequency shows an increasing trend for minimal impact. Regarding the use of nutritional supplements (NS), more than 80% of patients with CLD used them, especially those with hepatoprotective effects. The use of NS had a positive impact on the quality of life.
Conclusions. The SF-LDQOL questionnaire, supplemented with questions about the use of NS, is a useful tool for physicians and pharmacists to use as a routine assessment of the quality of life in CLD patients, while also assessing the impact of hepatoprotective supplements consumption.
Keywords: chronic liver disease, SF-LDQOL questionnaire, nutritional supplements.

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Address for correspondence:
Delia M. TIT
Department of Pharmacy, Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy, University of Oradea
Address: 29, N. Jiga Str., 410028, Oradea, Romania


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Foghis M, Tit DM, Foghis AM, Ghitea TC, Pallag A. Quality of life assessment in patients with chronic liver disease using the combined multidimensional questionnaire SF-LDQOL, including complementary questions. Arch Balk Med Union. 2024;59(1):75-82.