ISSN ONLINE: 2558-815X
ISSN PRINT: 1584-9244
ISSN-L: 1584-9244

Solitary cecum diverticulitis – A surprising diagnosis


Cecum diverticulosis is a benign, rare and generally asymptomatic disease that can manifest with acute diverticulitis or bleeding, thus complicating the differential diagnosis of the right iliac fossa pathology. The optimal management of this disease does not have a well-established treatment plan, as it may vary in some centers from conservative treatment, consisting of only antibiotics, to segmental colectomy or even right hemicolectomy. We present the case of a 45-year-old patient, prior diagnosed with chronic pain in the right iliac fossa after appendectomy, who was diagnosed with a single cecum diverticulum.
Key words: cecum diverticulosis, appendectomy, right iliac fossa.

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Address for correspondence:
Bogdan SOCEA
Emergency Clinical Hospital “Sfântul Pantelimon“
Pantelimon Ave., no. 340-342, 1st floor, General Surgery Department
Phone: +40788491091; Fax: +40212550064; e-mail


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