The ENT practitioner has a principal role for diagnosis, treatment and clinical recovery of vestibular schwannoma patients. These tumors require a special attention, concerning the treatment and the follow-up, because of their location in a deep anatomical region, very rich in vascular and neurological elements. If surgery is chosen as the best treatment modality, the vascular related complications, during surgery or immediately after surgery, can be disastrous for the patient. The surgeon must have the anatomical knowledge and appropriate skills. The anatomy of the venous system has an individual variability, with an impact to the procedure’s surgical risks. The objective of this publication is to synthetize the local venous anatomy and surgical practices in case of venous bleeding at the level of the pontocerebellar angle.
Keywords: pontocerebellar angle, vestibular schwannoma, petrous sinus.
Full text sources https://doi.org/10.31688/ABMU.2019.54.3.25 How to Cite Email to Author Format XML
Correspondence address:
Mihaela HOROI
Department of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery, University Hospital Saint Pierre, Rue Haute 322, 1000 Brussels, Belgium
Email: mihaela_horoi@stpierre-bru.be; Phone +32 535 42 67