A bifid rib is a congenital anomaly of the thoracic wall, being presented most commonly unilateral with a higher incidence among male individuals. We present a case of a 4th right rib, unearthed during an educational study of the donated cadavers in the Anatomy Department of the Democritus University of Thrace, Greece. We have studied 251 skeletons, resulting at an incidence of only 0.4%.
Keywords: bifurcated rib, intercostal space, thoracic wall, Gorlin-Goltz, anatomy variations.
Full text sources https://doi.org/10.31688/ABMU.2019.54.2.25 How to Cite Email to Author Descarca in format XML
Corresponding author:
Department of Anatomy, School of Medicine, Democritus University of Thrace, Alexandroupolis, Greece
Address: Ierolohiton 155, Agioi Anargyroi 38334, Volos, Greece
Phone 00306945298205, email: gregorytsoucalas@yahoo.gr