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Camelia DIACONU email: drcameliadiaconu@gmail.com83 Articles

Institute of Phonoaudiology and Functional ENT Surgery „Prof. Dr. D. Hociotă“, 21 Mihail Cioranu street, 5th District, Bucharest, Romania Phone: +40729828480; e-mail: mtusaliu@yahoo.com20 Articles

Ieroloxiton 155, Agioi Anargyroi, Volos, P.C. 38334, Greece Phone: +302421078583, Email: gregorytsoucalas@yahoo.gr21 Articles

Institute of Phonoaudiology and Functional ENT Surgery „Prof. Dr. D. Hociotă“, 21 Mihail Cioranu street, 5th District, Bucharest, Romania Phone: +40729828480; e-mail: mtusaliu@yahoo.com20 Articles

Emergency Clinical Hospital „Sfântul Pantelimon“ Șoseaua Pantelimon no. 340-342, 1st floor, General Surgery Department Phone: +40788491091, Fax: +40212550064, email bogdansocea@gmail.com33 Articles

Surgery Department No1 of BSMU Address: 58018 Chernovtsy, Holovna str., 191, Ukraine email:; phone 095606460718 Articles

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