The intrinsic wealth of research activities of the BMU, specialized in its Bulgarian section is expressed and demonstrated in the International Journal “Archives of the Balkan Medical Union”, founded in 1963, which since 1997 has a completely modified outlook.
All forms of scientific cooperation – conferences, medical days, weeks, etc., are documented in this edition, whereas the Bulgarian posts are also stored in the archives of the National Library for the period 1964-1987 only (the subscription service was not renewed later on).
This article presents the results of a six-month documentary research in the archives of the organization in Bulgaria and in Romania, with our expert anticipation that these archives reflected and manifested the nascent new medical language culture. This cultural genesis is brought to life through the first uses of medical terms and whole language panels. Scene for their presentation are the published scientific initiatives of the organization, archived in the magazine. Our results are illustrated through comparative analysis table for a period of 23 years, establishing the links between the social roles of diseases and the topics that describe those in new terms.
So the modern themes of social and personal medicine have found their expression through new terms, which are an important factor in the development of the professional culture. The results are also proven with photo images of the most important creative and innovative terminology in the Bulgarian participations.
Cultural genesis of medical terminology in the Bulgarian section of BMU during the 1964-1987 period