ISSN ONLINE: 2558-815X
ISSN PRINT: 1584-9244
ISSN-L: 1584-9244

Limberg flap – a reliable reconstructive method for superficial decubit ulcers


Introduction. The reconstructive surgery of bedsores is a current topic in the medical field, especially in multidisciplinary hospitals, where the varied pathology, the high complexity of the cases and the large number of intensive care beds are defining elements of the increased number of patients with such injuries.
Case presentation. We present the case of a 45-year-old patient admitted in the neurosurgery department following a polytrauma caused by a fall from aproximately 3 m height. After stabilization, the patient was transferred to the plastic surgery department for the treatment of the sacral eschar acquired during hospitalization.
Conclusions. Reconstruction using the Limberg flap proved to be the optimal choice in this case. No postoperative complications were identified, the patient benefited from a quick recovery and full functional rehabilitation.
Keywords: Limberg flap, sacral eschar, local flap, decubitus eschar, eschar surgery.

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Address for correspondence:Catalin G. BEJINARIU
Bagdasar-Arseni Emergency Clinical Hospital, Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Bucharest, Romania
Address: Berceni Street no 10-12, Bucharest, Romania


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Bejinariu CG, Bordianu A. Limberg flap – a reliable reconstructive method for superficial decubit ulcers. Arch Balk Med Union. 2024;59(2):232-236.