ISSN ONLINE: 2558-815X
ISSN PRINT: 1584-9244
ISSN-L: 1584-9244

Obesity – Risk factor for abdominal compartment syndrome in patients with acute pancreatits


Acute pancreatitis is one of the few surgical pathologies that over the past two decades have seen a significant evolution in terms of therapeutic management.
There were also made constant efforts to identify prognostic factors in this pathology. However, the prognosis of patients with acute pancreatitis remains reserved. Increasing incidence of obesity has led to establishing correlations between it and acute pancreatitis, but also between the body-mass index and prognosis of patients with acute pancreatitis.
The goal of our study was to determine whether there is a link between obesity and the evolution of patients with acute pancreatitis who develop intra-abdominal hypertension (IAH) during the episode of illness. In our research we retrospectively analyzed a total of 269 patients with acute pancreatitis. The results showed a link between obesity, measured by body mass index, and the development of intra-abdominal hypertension syndrome during the episode of acute pancreatitis, but also between the presence of obesity and prognosis of patients with acute pancreatitis who developed the syndrome of intra-abdominal hypertension, measured by the number of days of hospitalization and mortality.

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