ISSN ONLINE: 2558-815X
ISSN PRINT: 1584-9244
ISSN-L: 1584-9244

Specific diagnostic aspects in benign laryngeal tumors – Mini review



Benign laryngeal tumors represent a wide range of lesions with a high histological variety, nonspecific symptomatology such as dysphonia, which equally affects both genders and in some cases may evolve to important complications, with functional consequences or malignisation, in the absence of a proper therapeutic attitude. Authors aim to review the main benign tumors of the larynx, according to the histological type, by presenting particular lesions aspect, in order to establish a diagnosis which will be certified by the histopathological exam.

Keywords: benign tumors, larynx, histopathological exam.

Corresponding author:

Institute of Phonoaudiology and Functional ENT Surgery “Prof. Dr. D. Hociota”, Bucharest, Romania
Address: 21 Mihail Cioranu street, 5th district, Bucharest, Romania
Email:; Phone +40 729 828 480

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