ISSN ONLINE: 2558-815X
ISSN PRINT: 1584-9244
ISSN-L: 1584-9244

Thyroid nodules after initial evaluation by primary health care practitioners: An ultrasound pictorial essay


Introduction: Thyroid nodules are relatively frequent in general population. A thyroid mass may be detected by self-palpation or due to local compressive symptoms or during a routine check-up of a healthy person. However, the most common scenario that leads to the identification of a thyroid mass, except for self palpation, is its discovery to a primary health care control.

Cases report: We aim to introduce a cases series with large thyroid nodules on patients who were referred to a tertiary Romanian center of endocrinology from primary health care centers. Cystic aspects on thyroid may need evacuation through fine needle aspiration and surgery if some ultrasound features may suggest a higher oncologic risk or if the cyst relapses. The youngest female of 28 years had a large thyroid cyst but its ultrasound aspects as structure and size indicated thyroidectomy which revealed benign pathological findings.
Thyroid incidentaloma was considered for a man case priory diagnosed with prostate cancer underlyng a rare first recognition for an adult within his seventh decade of life: accessory thyroid lobe with adenomatous transformation. Three females had difficulties of breathing or eating but not all were related to thyroid.

Conclusion: A good collaboration between family physicians and endocrinologists improves the outcome of thyroid nodular conditions.

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