ISSN ONLINE: 2558-815X
ISSN PRINT: 1584-9244
ISSN-L: 1584-9244

De novo anti HLA antibodies after kidney transplantation: Clinical significance and association with graft function


Background. Kidney transplantation (TR) is the best treatment of chronic kidney disease. Chronic cellular and humoral rejections have still major impact on graft survival. Single antigen bead technology enabled detection of donor specific (DSA) and non-donor specific (Non-DSA) anti HLA antibodies (HLA-Ab). Our study investigates the impact of de novo HLA-Ab on graft function (GF) 12 months after TR.
Material and methods. Fifty pts with living (42) and deceased donor (8) transplantation were included in a 12-month prospective study. HLA-Ab were analyzed using LABScreen mixed kit in the 1st and 12th month after TR. According to the presence of HLA-Ab, pts were divided in group 1 (HLA+) and group 2 (HLA –). Both groups did not differ regarding gender, age, living or deceased donor, immunosuppression, underlying renal disease, rejection episodes, HLA mismatch, cold and warm ischemia time. Serum creatinine (SCr), GFR (Cockroft Gault) and proteinuria (Pr) were analyzed 1st and 12th month after TR.
Results. HLA-Ab were detected in 17 pts (34%), 5 with DSA (10%) and 12 with Non-DSA (24%). Group 1 has a significant worsening of GFR (SCr increased from 112.1 to 141.5 ( p<0.002) compared with the group 2 where SCr decreased from 116.4 to 111.31 μol/L.( p<0.23). In the same time GFR decreased from 69.7 to 57.09 and increased from 67.8 to 69.3 while Pr increased from 0.42 to 0.58 ( p< 0.26) and decreased from 0.81 to 0.32 ( p<0.051) in the groups 1 and 2, respectively.
Conclusion. De novo DSA and Non-DSA produce graft injuries in the first 12 months after TR. Regular follow- up of HLA-Ab together with systematic protocol graft biopsy could be essential for further therapeutic interventions.
Key words: kidney transplantation, anti HLA antibodies, DSA and Non-DSA antibodies, graft function.

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University Clinic of Nephrology
Mother Theresa 17, 1000 Skopje, Republic of Macedonia
Tel: +389 71 331633; e-mail:

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