ISSN ONLINE: 2558-815X
ISSN PRINT: 1584-9244
ISSN-L: 1584-9244

Determination of biomarkers for predicting the severity of the process of community aquired pneumonia on children


Introduction: The most important factor is the determination of biomarkers inflammation for predicting the severity of the process of community-acquired pneumonia in children. In this context, the purpose of the present study is to study the possibility of using quantitative content of proinflammatory cytokines and serum procalcitonin to predict the severity of the process of communityacquired pneumonia in children.

Materials and methods: In a prospective cohort study under the supervision of 110 children with community-acquired pneumonia at the age of 5 to 10 years, undergoing treatment in the respiratory department of Children’s Hospital of Karaganda, in which 43.64% were girls (95% CI 31.51% – 56 , 33%) and boys 47.27% (95% CI 34.91% – 59.88%). The content of IL-6, TNFα and PCT in the blood serum of 48 children with community-acquired pneumonia of varying severity. Group I included 24 patients whose smears in bacteriological method were cultured in bacterial microflora. Streptococcus pneumoniae was found in 18 patients, which accounted for 75.00% (95% CI, 46.96% -93.08%) and 7 patients has Streptococcus haemolyticus group A, which accounted to 29.17% (95% CI, 9.30% -57.32%). In the IInd group of 24 patients they have a viral etiology of the disease.

Results: A significant increase in the levels of IL-6, TNFα and PCT 5-6 times with CAP compared with the control group performance and recorded a tendency to increase the content of these cytokines, depending on the severity of the disease. Depending on the level of TNFα in the etiology of bacterial pneumonia higher than with viral pneumonia. The most significant differences were observed when comparing with the IIIrd degree of bacterial and viral pneumonia (p<0.032). At the same time, the content of the proinflammatory cytokine IL-6 was significantly higher in the serum of patients with bacterial pneumonia than in patients with pneumonia III severity (p<0.03).

Conclusion: The results of our study suggest the worsening of the severity of pneumonia increased level of anti-inflammatory cytokines in the blood serum procalcitonin patients. The results obtained from studies of patients with bacterial and viral pneumonia proinflammatory cytokines (TNFα, IL- 6) and procalcitonin predictors can be used to predict the severity of pneumonia.

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