ISSN ONLINE: 2558-815X
ISSN PRINT: 1584-9244
ISSN-L: 1584-9244

Morphological features of subcutaneous tissue of the brachial region in human fetus


Introduction. The prevalence of obesity and the discovery of a broader potential of different types of fat cells have led to a revival of scientific interest in the study of adipogenesis.
The objective of the study was to evaluate the features of the structure and distribution of adipose tissue in the shoulder region in fetuses aged 5-8 months.
Materials and methods. A microscopic study was conducted on the brachial region of 21 human fetuses 5-8 gestation months.
Results. During the fetal development period, the number and ratio between types of fat cells of the brachial region change. In 5-month-old fetuses, single fat cells were detected at the level of the upper third of the brachial region; in the middle third of the brachial region, the percentage of multilocular adipocytes was 75.3±0.89%; at the level of the lower third 68.3±0.84%. In 6-month-old fetuses, at the level of the upper third of the brachial region multilocular adipocytes predominate (74.1±0.85%), the percentage of multilocular fat cells at the level of the middle third is 66.1±0.83%, in the lower third 63.7±0.84%. In the upper third of the brachial region of fetuses of 7 months multilocular adipocytes constitute 43.4±0.86%, in the middle third 43.2±0.85%, and in the lower third 46.7±0.83%. In 8-month-old fetuses, multilocular adipocytes at the level of the upper third of the brachial region account for 72.0±0.85%, in the middle third 50.8±0.83%, and at the level of the lower third 72.9±0.86%.
Conclusions. Between the 6th and 7th months of intrauterine development, adipose tissue undergoes a phase of intensive growth.
Keywords: multilocular cell, unilocular cell, adipose tissue, brachial region, fetus.

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Address for correspondence:
Tatiana V. KHMARA
Human Anatomy Department, Bukovinian State Medical University, Chernivtsi, Ukraine
Address: 3, Sadovskoho St. apt. 9, Chernivtsi 58001, Ukraine
E-mail:; Phone: +38 099 751 65 50


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Koval OA, Khmara TV, Davydenko IS, Pankiv TV, Kryvchanska MI, Voloshyn VL. Morphological features of subcutaneous tissue of the brachial region in human fetus. Arch Balk Med Union. 2024;59(4):382-389.